What’s New

What to do when you’re depressed…

September 5

Some steps to take… Don’t drink alcohol or use drugs. They can make your mood worse. Stick to a routine. Try to go to bed, wake up, and exercise at the same time every day. Don’t make major life changes…

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Stress impacts our body…

July 1

Everyone handles stress in different ways. When our body is affected by stress, it alerts us from the inside out. It’s good to listen to our body to avoid harm.  

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Spiritual Health

June 1

Spiritual Health may not be something that you think much of, yet its impact on your life is unavoidable. The basis of spirituality is discovering a sense of meaningfulness in your life and coming to know that you have a…

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How grief affects your brain…

April 15

Click here for the video: Grief and the brain

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Eight signs you should see a therapist

February 15

Everyone experiences periods of stress, sadness, grief and conflict, so when you’re feeling off it can be hard to know if it’s time to see a professional about the problem. And apparently, those who would benefit from some therapeutic intervention…

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Refined Life Counseling offers Tele-Health counseling.

December 2

It is normal to be scared, distressed, or angry when you hear about a disease outbreak. Be careful not to turn fear and anger towards people who have become sick. Ask yourself: Would I think or do the same thing if…

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Mental Health Stigma… Why?

October 1

THE STORY Mental health struggles can be tough. So is dealing with the stigma that comes with them. STIGMA…REMIND ME. It’s a negative perception or stereotype. And it’s a pretty common problem. It can also affect whether people decide to…

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Suicide Prevention

August 1

Warning Signs People who commit suicide don’t want to die, but to end their pain. Don’t dismiss their talk of suicide as just threats. If you notice any signs that they may be thinking about harming themselves, get help. Focuses on…

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The Double Standard of Mental Illness

July 1

Why the misunderstanding? Mental health conditions are not the only illnesses to suffer from stigma: AIDS, leprosy and obesity are others. However, Princess Diana shook hands and shook the world at the same time. Antibiotics took care of leprosy and…

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Divorce & Depression

January 10

It is no secret that divorce and depression often go hand in hand. If you are struggling with the emotional loss and grief of divorce, you may become depressed. Depression after divorce is very common, even among those who ended…

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