Six ways to find your inner calm…

January 12
We can spend countless hours, days and nights worrying. Insomnia can unfortunately be our companion for many, many years with various dialogues that sounded like, ” If I don’t get some sleep, I’m going to be in a bad mood tomorrow… ”
It almost sounds crazy, but it starts to become our normal. Surprisingly, we have a difficult time letting go of what people said or did, because we took it personally. So, we might be on edge and ready for a confrontation. Needless to say, some of us don’t consider being a happy person and can act passive-aggressively. How could anyone hear us when we either bottle up our feelings, or maybe go to the extreme and react neurotically.
As you probably figured out; this behavior is not a very effective way of communicating.
“When you know better, you do better.” ~ Maya Angelou
1. No one is a mind-reader. Speak up if you disagree, get offended or even upset. It’s okay to express yourself, as long as it’s with integrity.
2. Narrate a better story, because dwelling on the past doesn’t miraculously change it.
3. Write it, type it or draw it. Just get whatever it is that’s bothering you out of your head. Whatever method you choose, it can be extremely therapeutic.
4. Wake-up early and pray/meditate. You’ll feel calm and ready to cope with your day.
5. Reduce, or even better, eliminate refined sugars, processed foods and caffeine. In the book, The Ultra Mind, by Mark Hyman, he correlates how “junk” food can affect our moods and various diseases.
6. Saying positive affirmations such as, “I am at peace in my life,” and, “I’m the narrator and empowered to re-write my story,” is an effective way to alleviate the negative chatter.
Make the above daily habits, and you’ll be well on your way to increasing your inner calm. What do you think? Do you have any other suggestions to add to the list?